[15 Aug 2024]
- Purpose
The scholarship aims at providing a one-off financial support to local young hand surgeons who intend to have overseas visit outside Hong Kong in the interest of academic activities pertained to Hand Surgery or Microsurgery applicable to orthopaedic practice.
- Amount
The scholarship provides a grant of maximum HK$ 10,000 per applicant covering one return economy class air-ticket and hotel accommodation fee of an overseas hand conference held in the year of 2025. One scholarship is available for application this year.
- Eligibility
The applicants must be HKSSH Life Members or paid-up HKSSH full members and preferably be a young surgeon (< 40 years old) in active practice of Hand Surgery and/or Microsurgery as applicable to orthopaedic practice.
- Application procedure
The applicant shall fill in the application form and return it to our secretary by email (hksshsecretariat@gmail.com) between 20 August 2024 and 23 December 2024. The applicant should give a preliminary plan of the proposed trip on the application form, and attach a brief curriculum vitae and recent photo.
- Deadline of application
23 December 2024, Hong Kong Time 18:00
- Selection Process
All applications will be processed in the Council meeting of the Society. Priority will be given to applicants who have not received any form of scholarship issued by the HKSSH before. Formal notification letter of acceptance will be sent out to individual successful applicant. Final decision would be subjected to the Council’s decision.
- Duty of successful applicant
The applicant should accomplish the proposed trip personally. The applicant should provide certified documentation of the trip together with a written report to the Secretary within one month upon return from overseas. The report will be published in the Newsletter of the Society. The applicant should also present an oral report at the next HKSSH Annual Congress. Under normal circumstances, the scholarship grant will be reimbursed after the accomplishment of the overseas visit. The applicant must have accomplished the overseas trip in the year of 2025.